iPhone 6 with 4.7′ screen – Concept [Video]

iphone 6 concept

Everybody knows that this year Apple is going to release the new iPhone 6. A lot of concepts we saw these months! Joseph Farahi had a really good idea of an concept, that is very close to be real!

Check out the video and we talk after:

As you saw in the video, the specifications are these:

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New upcoming tweak called “Vertex” brings Mission Control concept to reality


Vertex is an upcoming tweak currently in development that aims to bring Mission Control inspired functionality to iOS 7. The tweak, which is currently being talked about on /r/jailbreak, merges Control Center and the app switcher together, along with other iOS 7-centric touches splashed in.

There’s still no timetable for Vertex’s release, but we do have a video preview of the tweak created by developer Ian Burns. Check past the break for the video and more details concerning this awesome looking jailbreak release.

Here’s the video preview of Vertex in action: Continue reading

One Of The Best Panorama App Ever!

Panorama is amazing! That fact that you could take a 360 degree picture. But what else would be awesome is if it could be HANDSFREE! Well yes, there really is an app for this. This app right now is on sale for $1.99. But lets get to the sweet part. The app works great for iPhone 5 and perhaps for iPhone 4. Without a case of anything literally anything on the iPhone, placed on a flat surface, the iPhone will make a awesome 360 degree Panorama picture handsfree. Brilliant? Yes I know! And now that you actually have and idea of what the app does, its called “Cycloramic Pro” or another version called “Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama”. In my opinion they do the same thing but maybe just some switches to it.
How does it take a 360 degree turn? Well, you place your iPhone on the flat surface standing up. You click the button to take the picture. By the vibration of the iPhone, the app is created to make the iPhone turn 360 degrees. Outstanding!

Otniel Dan
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